Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Yanks Go To Poltimore

On Sunday afternoon we took a couple of cars to transport us to the little town of Poltimore, for a reunion of the Yank clan at Earl & Earla Yank's. Glorious weather and beautiful scenery awaited our arrival, and the day turned out to be quite the scorcher.

After a round of awkward introductions, Kev, Cheryl, Aunt Sylvie and I went down to the "watering hole" for a bit of a paddle.

A world first - a picture in my blog! As you can tell, I had to do some serious skirt readjustment in order to stay dry, which I kind of failed at during my exit from the water. Nothing traumatic though, a bit of dampness around my knees was welcome relief from the heat of the day.

Picture: Jess, Cheryl, Sylvie, random boys watching crayfish. (Note, I'm on dial-up so I've scaled the pic quality way down. Might be able to beef up the quality when I'm back home.)

We discovered a neat wooden rocking 'thing' like a dining set, but on a swinging platform. Sat there for quite the while, until dinner. A BBQ feast like no other - Arctic Char was the pick of the bunch, with various trout as accompaniment, alongside burgers and chops for the fish-phobic. I had the best potato salad of my life, and for dessert there was a spread of slices and such, as expected from a potluck kind of occasion.

The event ended with a ‘door raffle’, which was tedious beyond tedium in the worst way. The organizers were using the most random methods possible: everyone picked a playing card from a bag (randomly), and then the organizers would pull a card from another bag (randomly) and whoever it matched would then pick a number (randomly) from yet another bag which would match a prize. So this took forever, and worst of all the prizes were pretty much rubbish. They were almost all from a company called “Promo Graphix”, so the prizes were samples of items companies could buy and have their logo inscribed upon. I scored a travel mug made out of plastic, which Cheryl acquired from me, and Kev got a business card holder which was actually kind of cool, even if it had “Promo Graphix” emblazoned upon it. Then we were free to leave, and we did. Back to Cumberland, and to bed.


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